Daily Expense Tracker Source Code — Filemakr

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Daily Expense Tracker

The Daily Expense Tracker System (DETS) is a web-based application used to manage a user's daily expenditures. This project was developed with the use of PHP and MySQL to create a database to store the user's financial records. The system consists of one module, the user, and allows them to keep track of their income, expenses, and budget. With this tool, users can easily identify where their money is going and how much they have left to spend. In addition, the system provides an overview of their financial situation and helps them to make informed decisions about their spending. DETS is a powerful tool for anyone hoping to gain insight into their financial situation and better manage their money.

Project Name Daily Expense Tracker
Language Used PHP
Database MySQL OR MongoDB
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA

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In Daily Expense Tracker System we use PHP and MySQL database. This is the project which keeps records of daily expenses. DETS has one module i.e. user.

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