Hostel Management System in PHP Source Code — Filemakr

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Hostel Management System in PHP

Hostel Management System in PHP is web based application. This project used to manage the student, hostel details.Hostel Management System developed using PHP and MySQL.

Project Name Hostel Management System in PHP
Language Used PHP
Database MySQL OR MongoDB
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA

Trending Source Code

The project is a social networking platform built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. It incorporates two major features: an automated content moderation system and context-based authentication. These features are accompanied by common functionalities found in social media applications, such as profile creation, post creation and sharing, liking and commenting on posts, and following/unfollowing users.

Teacher Record Management System Project contains data and information of teachers. The main purpose of TRMS is to systematically record, store and update the teacher’s records. The information from TRMS is used to search teachers online. With the help of this software, the person can easily search teachers according to his/her requirement.

Student management system using PHP and MySQL is a web-based application. Student Management Project is software that is helpful for students as well as the school authorities. In the current system, all the activities are done manually. It is very time-consuming and costly. Our online Student Management System in PHP deals with the various activities related to the students.

A stored procedure is a set of SQL commands that have been compiled and stored on the database server. Once the stored procedure has been “stored”, client applications can execute the stored procedure over and over again without sending it to the database server again and without compiling it again. Stored procedures improve performance by reducing network traffic and CPU load.

Student Record System is a web-based technology that manages student databases and provides rights to update the details. In this web application, Students must be registered by admin. This web application provides a way to effectively control records & track student details.

User Management System is a web based technology which manages user database and provides rights to update the their details In this web application user must be registered. This web application provides a way to effectively control record & track the user details who himself/herself registered with us.

Online Fire Reporting System Project is a web-based application. This application is used to report fire incidents immediately.

Pre-School Enrollment System using PHP and MySQL is a web-based application. Through this application, parents can check the Pre-School information, can schedule the school visit, and also fill out the enrollment form. In Pre-School Enrollment Project we use PHP and MySQL Database. Pre-School Enrollment System has three modules i.e user, admin, and Subadmin.

Blog Management System Project is a web-based application that automates the existing manual system with the help of computerized equipment and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so that their valuable information can be stored for a long period with easy access and manipulation of the same. The required software and hardware are easily available and easy to work with. Blog Management System Project is a web-based application that automates the existing manual system with the help of computerized equipment and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so that their valuable information can be stored for a long period with easy access and manipulation of the same. The required software and hardware are easily available and easy to work with. In this Python project, we will build a GUI-based “Blog Management System” Project using Django and db SQLite. It is an intermediate-level project, where you will learn how to use databases, and modules and make some great GUIs in Python and apply them in real life.

The Blog App is built fully in Django Framework in back-end and HTML, CSS in front-end. Users can log in to the system and add their own blogs, edit or delete them. It has clean interactive model UI design will features similar to any popular blog websites. This system also provides admin panel from where all the registered users and blogs can be controlled. It has a clean and interactive modern UI design with latest Bootstrap technology implemented in the frontend.

Contact form with mail function and Storing data in the database – Mini Project

Employee Leave Management System (ELMS) is a web-based system that enables employees and administrators to manage leave requests and track employee leave information. The system is divided into two modules: the employee module and the admin module. The Admin Module allows the administrator to add, update and delete leave types and departments, add new employees and update employee information, activate or block an employee, manage the leave application (approval and non-approval) and view the admin dashboard. Every time an employee applies for leave, the administrator will receive a notification. The administrator can also change their own password after logging in. The Employee Module allows the employee to log in with a valid email and password, update their profile, apply for leave, view their leave history, change their password, and recover their password with a valid email and employee ID. ELMS allows employees and administrators to efficiently manage leave requests and track employee leave information, ensuring a smooth and streamlined process.