Online Shopping Portal Project Source Code — Filemakr

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Online Shopping Portal Project

E-commerce means any transaction over the internet. In online marketing, a shopping cart is a piece of e-commerce software on a web server that allows visitors to an Internet site to select items for eventual purchase, analogous to the American English term “shopping cart.” In British English, it is generally known as a shopping basket, almost exclusively shortened on websites to “basket.” The software allows online shopping customers to accumulate a list of items for purchase, described metaphorically as “placing items in the shopping cart” or “add to cart.” Upon checkout, the software typically calculates a total for the order, including shipping and handling (i.e., postage and packing) charges and the associated taxes, as applicable

Project Name Online Shopping Portal Project
Language Used PHP
Database MySQL OR MongoDB
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA

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“Online Nurse Hiring System Project ” is a web based application that contains data and information of nurses. The main purpose of the “Online Nurse Hiring Management Project” is to systematically record, store and update the nurse’s records. In Online Nurse Hiring Management System we use PHP and MySQL database. This is the project which keeps records of nurses. Online Nurse Hiring System has two module i.e. admin and users.

Library Management System using PHP and MySQL is a web based application. Library management system is a project which aims in developing a computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library .This project has many features which are generally not available in normal library management systems like facility of user login and a facility of admin login .It also has a facility of admin login through which the admin can monitor the whole system . It has also a facility where student after logging in their accounts can see list of books issued and its issue date and return date.

Student management system using PHP and MySQL is a web-based application. Student Management Project is software that is helpful for students as well as the school authorities. In the current system, all the activities are done manually. It is very time-consuming and costly. Our online Student Management System in PHP deals with the various activities related to the students.

Online Course Registration System is Web-based registration software that helps you to register courses online. It is ideal for schools, educational camps, corporate training programs, and online training programs. It also provides time to time current status information related to courses. It can help for the student need to register by giving necessary details, for the desired course.

The project is a social networking platform built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. It incorporates two major features: an automated content moderation system and context-based authentication. These features are accompanied by common functionalities found in social media applications, such as profile creation, post creation and sharing, liking and commenting on posts, and following/unfollowing users.

BP Monitoring Management System is a web-based application. This application is to maintain the record of the BP details of the family members datewise. In BP monitoring Management Project we use PHP and MySQL Database. BP monitoring Management System has one module i.e user.

The Blog App is built fully in Django Framework in back-end and HTML, CSS in front-end. Users can log in to the system and add their own blogs, edit or delete them. It has clean interactive model UI design will features similar to any popular blog websites. This system also provides admin panel from where all the registered users and blogs can be controlled. It has a clean and interactive modern UI design with latest Bootstrap technology implemented in the frontend.

In this project an attempt is made to design a computer system for the CYBER CAFÉ that makes the management of recording user details, internet usage and billing much easier. The objective of this software is to maintain the details of users, cabins and login history. Through this system we provide facility of prepaid and post-paid accounts respectively for Account Users and Walkthrough Users. The Software powered by Python assures clear and efficient services to the agency. This easy-to-operate system helps to access and modify user details, provides efficient billing facility. The software is designed to provide Reliable and error free information. The database is driven by MySQL thus providing portability.

Company Visitor Management System deals with the security provided at company premises from the unauthenticated or unwanted visitors. Nowadays, in most organizations Visitor management consists of visitors scribbling their name in a paper book. Instead, Company Visitor Management System will assist you the professionalized way in which you welcome your visitors. Company Visitors Management System software is a complete Visitor Management service to improve the efficiency, productivity, security.

Curfew Pass Management system is a web-based technology that will manage the records of pass which issue by administrative. Curfew Pass Management System is an automatic system that delivers data processing at a very high speed in a systematic manner.

Cyber Cafe Management System Using PHP & MySQL

The primary goal of the Online Birth Certificate System is to make the process of registering date of birth and obtaining birth certificates easier, more efficient, and less time consuming. This system is developed using PHP and MySQL Database, which consists of two modules: one for the administrator and another for the users. The system is designed to allow the administrator to view data of date of birth of citizens throughout the country. It also enables users to quickly and conveniently apply for a birth certificate with the necessary information. This system provides a secure method of storing and organizing the birth data of citizens, thereby eliminating the need to manually process the data.