Small CRM in PHP Source Code — Filemakr

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Small CRM in PHP

Small CRM in PHP

Project Name Small CRM in PHP
Language Used PHP
Database MySQL OR MongoDB
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA

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BP Monitoring Management System is a web-based application. This application is to maintain the record of the BP details of the family members datewise. In BP monitoring Management Project we use PHP and MySQL Database. BP monitoring Management System has one module i.e user.

Online DJ Booking Management System Using PHP and MySQL

The apartment Visitor Management system is a web-based technology that will revolutionize the way your society manages visitors and provide visitor pass to them. The visitor Management system is more important to security guards or security society. This web application provides a way to effectively control records & track society visitor traffic.

Tourism Management System in PHP is a web-based application designed to streamline the process of managing tourism-related activities. It offers a range of modules to suit the needs of both admins and users. The Admin module enables admins to create packages, manage users, manage inquiries, manage issues, manage bookings, manage pages, and change passwords. The User module allows users to register, log in with valid email and password, recover forgotten passwords, book tours, manage bookings, generate tickets regarding complaints, and change passwords. The Guest User module allows non-registered users to view information about packages, bookings, and other tourism-related activities. The Tourism Management System in PHP offers a comprehensive solution for managing tourism-related activities. It is an efficient and secure system that can be easily integrated into existing websites.

Employee Record Management System project used to manage the data of the employees such as personal details, education details, work exp etc. This project will reduce the paper work of the company . Through this project company can manage all data online.

Cyber Cafe Management System Using PHP & MySQL

A stored procedure is a set of SQL commands that have been compiled and stored on the database server. Once the stored procedure has been “stored”, client applications can execute the stored procedure over and over again without sending it to the database server again and without compiling it again. Stored procedures improve performance by reducing network traffic and CPU load.

News Portal Project using CodeIgniter (PHP Framework) is a web-based application. It is a dynamic system. It can be maintained and changed easily because it is based on the database. It contains web pages that are generated in real-time. These pages include Web scripting code, such as PHP. It is fully secured from unauthorized access.

COVID19 Testing Management System Using PHP and MySQL

In Daily Expense Tracker System we use PHP and MySQL database. This is the project which keeps records of daily expenses. DETS has one module i.e. user.

Company Visitor Management System deals with the security provided at company premises from the unauthenticated or unwanted visitors. Nowadays, in most organizations Visitor management consists of visitors scribbling their name in a paper book. Instead, Company Visitor Management System will assist you the professionalized way in which you welcome your visitors. Company Visitors Management System software is a complete Visitor Management service to improve the efficiency, productivity, security.

Hostel Management System in PHP is web based application. This project used to manage the student, hostel details.Hostel Management System developed using PHP and MySQL.